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Is Your Brand Boring? Spice it up With These 7 Tips

Building a strong and interesting brand is important for organizations if they are to remain relevant and competitive. Very few brands get to enjoy a market with few competitors. For this reason, having a bland and boring brand can derail any business no matter how unique their products and services are. Herein are seven effective ways for any business to spice up a boring brand.

Create a bold Mission and Vision Statement

The mission and vision statement is a vital component of branding. Many organizations often make the mistake of having a generic mission statement. A mission statement that is not inspiring and unique will not spark any interest in the consumer base. The large majority of mission statements only touch on making a business successful or being leaders in their specific industries.

This is what the consumers are used to seeing. Businesses should develop a mission statement that goes beyond the business. For instance, a statement that points to making a community better creates a brand that customers can relate to.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the best tools that organizations can employ to develop their brands. Online studies indicate that nearly 80 % of people on social mediums follow at least one brand. This means that people are actually eager to connect with brands they find interesting.

The best way to spice up a brand on social media is through content marketing. Businesses should invest in sharing relevant, helpful and engaging content alongside the usual product announcements and offers.

Utilize Visual Content

While having a website is almost mandatory in today’s competitive markets, this alone is not enough to stand out. It has been proved extensively that people do not prefer being met with boring lines of text when they log onto a website.

Engaging visual content is a key part of web design. Including visuals in shared content can transform an organization’s website from bland to viral in a very short time.

Avoid Placing Limits on the Brand

Most marketers limit their branding efforts to the designated budgets leading to boring brands. Contrary to popular belief, budgets have little to do with marketing success. This is evident looking at the opportunities presented by the developments in information technology.

The trick lies in finding a working angle. More often than not, this is found beyond the products and services a business is offering. It can be a compelling story of an exceptional employee or interesting interaction with the customers.

Know what the Audience Values

As consumers today become more informed, organizations have to develop their brands with their target audience in mind. A brand may seem boring simply because it is aimed at the wrong audience.

Using web analytical tools and direct communication, marketers today can be able to conduct research on what their customers are interested in, their values, trends, and needs. With this information, every aspect of branding can be tailored accordingly.

Embrace Good Design Principles

There are numerous design techniques that can be used to transform a boring brand into an engaging one. These can be used to market even the most generic products and services. They include having a clear and clutter free design, displaying fewer choices, embracing web design best practices, and website optimization to improve the user experience.

Have a Unique Selling Proposition

Many organizations assume that a selling proposition or angle has to be something that has never been seen before. On the contrary, a successful rebranding strategy can be about conducting ordinary operations in different ways. Customers become greater and ambassadors if they have unique experiences.

Developing an interesting brand is not the end game. Keeping the brand interesting makes up the difficult part. As such, brand development should be a continuous process in any organization.

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