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Why Your Website is Missing the Mark (and how you can fix it!)

There’s more than one way to gauge the effectiveness of a given website, but arguably the most important is your conversion rate. In case you haven’t heard the term by now, website conversion refers to the frequency with which you visitors behave the way you want them to. This could include purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, registering on your site, and much more.

It might seem like a daunting task, this process of helping your visitors navigate the “conversion funnel.” In other words, they’re brought to your website through various means and you want to lead them through the bottleneck of the funnel towards a conversion.

The good news is that there are a number of ways you can optimize your page to better lead to conversions. Here are three of them.

Make the Most of Your Calls-to-Action

The first and most obvious way to increase conversion is the effective use of call-to-actions. Call-to-actions vary greatly in their appearance and function, but they all have one goal, to lead the user to your desired action.  This can be as simple as adding a newsletter signup or an order button asking users to purchase your product.  One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you want to draw the reader’s eye toward the call-to-action without having it dominate the page.

There is an entire branch of science devoted to the study of colors and their effect on web browsing habits. To subtly draw attention to your call-to-action button, consider changing its color to something that will create an eye-catching contrast with the rest of your site. You could see big gains in your conversion rate with just a simple visual tweak.

Use Eye-Catching Headlines

This can be a delicate balance to maintain. You want your headlines to attract new visitors, but you don’t want to come across as desperate or misleading. You’ve only got a couple of moments to entice a visitor to click on through, which means you’re going to want to think long and hard about what it is you’re trying to communicate.

Generally, you want your headlines to do three things: (1) Be useful, (2) Provide a sense of urgency, and (3) Say something unique. The best headlines are direct headlines, which means they’ll ask (or answer) a question or suggest a course of action.

Make Your Site User Friendly

There’s no quicker way to sabotage a prospective conversion than to frustrate your visitors. With that in mind, make sure you spend the time to ensure that your site works as intended on as many browsers and devices as possible. A big part of this is load times; with more and more people accessing websites on mobile devices, make sure you prioritize which website elements they need to see. Stripping out even a single image can make your page load much faster.

Lastly, ensure that your readers don’t have to work too hard to get their questions answered. Think about what questions or concerns you’d have, if you were in their place, and make the answers to such questions the focal point of your content. 

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