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Split-Test Your Way to a Site Design That Converts

When it comes to designing a web page, there’s so much more to it than putting together something pretty.

For example, take a look at Google, Ebay, or These aren’t sites that would win awards for ingenuity and creativity. They’re plain and very straightforward in the information they’re giving you.

But they’ll beat the pants off you in sales conversion.

Any web designer who knows what they’re doing understands the value of designing for results, as opposed to designing for awards or critical acclaim.

In order to get the most effective site possible, sometimes you have to try out a bunch of different tactics and see what pulls the best!

Recently I purchased a book called 108 Proven Split Test Winners by Russell Brunson. On his own web properties, Brunson has tweaked and tested virtually every variation possible on his landing pages, blogs, and sales sites, and shares the results of those tests.

Here are three from his book I found interesting:

  1. A picture of a smiling person increased conversion by 103%.
  2. Long form sales letter outperformed short form by 38%.
  3. Sales video outperformed sales letter by 33%.

Can you imagine how monstrous that can be for your sales? You could have a landing page that’s converting 20%. Not bad, but not earth shattering.

You add in a picture of a smiling person, and now you’re getting over 40% conversion. That’s business-altering. That could be the difference between some part-time income and creating a full-time job.

Or how about giving yourself a 33% raise? Russell Brunson did that by swapping out his sales letter for a sales video. It probably took him a couple work days, but he’s now significantly richer because of it.

How You Can Increase Sales With Split-Tests

However, those three examples I gave you won’t work for every business. The point of those examples isn’t to convince you to immediately add smiling people to every page on your site. The point is to show you that small tweaks that we wouldn’t think could change anything may make all the difference.

Most site owners are pleased once they have an aesthetically pleasing site – and don’t bother to worry about what small tweaks they should be testing and trying out.

It’s simple to start doing this with your own site, especially if you have landing or sales pages. Start with rewriting your headline, but then also move on to other aspects of your pages. A special point of emphasis should be on your price point, wording and colors on your “Buy Now” button, sales letter length, and other aspects directly related to how people purchase your product.

Split testing might be the most profitable activity you can do for your website. As a web designer, I focus on producing sites that get results, without you having to do months of testing and tweaking afterwards.

Not sure if a web designer is what you need to skyrocket your business? Contact me for a free consult and we’ll decide together how to meet your goals.

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